Druhy králíčků
-Zakrslý hermelín (He)
Původně byl hermelín albínem: měl bílou srst a růžovou duhovku. Tento druh se značí Heč (hermelín červenooký). V roce 1919 byla v Německuvyšlechtěna nová podoba, byl stále bílý ,ale duhovka oka byla blankytně modrá s černou zorničkou. Modrooký hermelín se značí jako Hem.
-Zakrslý barevný (Z)
Toto plemeno je v podstatě barevný hermelín. Vzniklo zkřížením hermelína a druhého barevného plemene. U nás existuje velké množství barevných plemen např. :
-zakrslý divoce zbarvený (Zdiv)
-zakrslý černý (Zč) ( kterého mám doma například já :-) )
-zakrslý siamský žlutý (ZSiž)
-zakrslý hototský bílý (ZHb)
- zakrslý japonský (Zj)
zakrslý černý
-Zakrslý strakáč (Zstr)
Toto plemeno má o něco vyšší hmotnost než jiní zakrslí králíci. Měla by se pohybovat mezi 1,40 kg až 1,60 kg. Strakáči jsou typičtí svojí kresbou která se dělí na kresbu hlavy, kresbu trupu a boční kresbu. Zakrslý strakáč může být :
-černý (Zstrč)
-černožlutý (Zstrčž)
-modrý (Zstrm)
-Zakrslý rex (ZRex)
Toto plemeno je zajímavé svou srstí ,u plemen s normální srstí jsou chlupy na těle králíka proti sobě. U rexovitých plemen jsou chlupy kratší a jsou kolmo ke kůži. Díky má jemnou, plyšovou srst. U zakrslého rexe je délka srsti cca 15 mm. Zakrslý rex může být :
-zakrslý rex bílý červenooký (ZBčoRex)
-zakrslý rex černý (ZRex)
-zakrslý rex dalmatinský strakáč v černém
-modrém i havanovitém rázu (ZDSčRex,ZDSmRex, ZDShavRex)
-zakrslý kastorex (ZCa)
-zakrslý tříslový (ZTčRex).
-Zakrslý liščí (ZLi)
- Podstatný znak tohoto plemene jsou chlupy které mají mít délku 3 cm až 5 cm a nestříhají se. Zakrslý liščí může být:
-bílý červenooký (ZLibčo) (který je v ČR nejrozšířenější)
-ruského černého (ZLiRč)
-kuního hnědého (ZLiKuh)
-Zakrslý saténový (ZSa)
Je nové plemeno, zakrslý je jen jeden a to ZSaMSčerv (Zakrslý saténový meklenburský strakáč červený
-Zakrslý beran (ZB)
Hmotnost :1,5 kg až 2 kg (tělo berana je spíše kratší a zavalité), krk téměř není poznat a má kratší tlapky ,hlava má být kulatá, typické pro berany jsou jejich uši ( jsou svisle k zemi a při pohledu zepředu mají tvořit jakoby podkovu ,na konci uší mají být znatelné hrbolky. Co se týče druhů, jsou snad všechny barvy.
-Holandský zakrslý králík
Je plemeno pocházející z holandského králíka a patří k historicky nejstarším. Typičtí jsou svím zvláštním zbarvením
-Zakrslý teddy (ZT)
Jak název napovídá vzhledem připomínná medvídka, je velice chlupatý, rád se mazlí, chová a hladí.Pochází ze západní Evropy.
Přehled komentářů
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Australia, Canada, USA, Japan, UK, EU (all countries), Israel, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Korea, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zimbabwe.
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Men Dating Men: Celebrating Harmony and Connection
(AlbertFog, 8. 5. 2024 2:22)
Men dating men participation out of, union, and the stunner of relationships in their own incomparable way.
In a everyone that embraces diverseness and inclusivity, same-sex relationships suffer with organize their place. Men who date men navigate the joys and challenges of building expressive connections based on authenticity and joint understanding. They consecrate charity while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and emotional intimacy disport oneself a crucial task in their relationships, fostering trust and deepening their bond. As society progresses close to equality, it is important to acknowledge and respect the angel shared between men dating men, embracing their unequalled experiences and contributions to the tapestry of someone connections.
Super theme! Earn every minute without limit of $100, $500, $1,000
(Olpboophy, 7. 5. 2024 19:01)
Binary options trading on our platform offers endless opportunities to grow your wealth. Start with just $10 and earn returns of up to 200%. Benefit from real-time market analysis, an intuitive interface, and unrivaled security measures. Trade from anywhere, at any time, with 24/7 access. Join the smart investors already seeing success with our platform. Get started today!
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Australia, Canada, USA, Japan, UK, EU (all countries), Israel, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Korea, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zimbabwe.
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Boom! Earn every minute without limit of $100, $500, $1,000
(Olpboophy, 7. 5. 2024 13:48)
Take control of your financial future with binary options trading on our platform. Start with a small investment of just $10 and watch your profits soar. Our platform offers market analysis, a user-friendly interface, and secure transactions. With 24/7 access, you can trade from anywhere, at any time. Start your journey to financial freedom today.
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Australia, Canada, USA, Japan, UK, EU (all countries), Israel, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Korea, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zimbabwe.
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Прокси-серверы: мой выбор для обхода блокировок и анонимности!
(Chriswek, 7. 5. 2024 11:18)
Привет, друзья!
Хочу поделиться с вами отличной находкой – прокси-серверами, которые меня просто поразили своей эффективностью и надежностью!
Недавно я столкнулся с необходимостью обхода блокировок определённых сайтов, и решил попробовать использовать прокси-серверы. После долгих поисков я наткнулся на компанию, предоставляющую просто великолепные услуги в этой области.
Что меня так впечатлило? Во-первых, скорость – страницы загружаются моментально, без каких-либо задержек. Во-вторых, стабильность – не было ни одного случая пропажи соединения или перебоев в работе. И, конечно же, анонимность и безопасность – я могу быть уверенным, что мои данные защищены и мои действия в интернете остаются конфиденциальными.
Если у вас возникнет необходимость в использовании прокси-серверов, я настоятельно рекомендую обратиться к этой компании – вы не пожалеете!
Если у вас есть опыт использования прокси-серверов, поделитесь им со мной – мне будет интересно узнать ваше мнение!
[Ваш никнейм]
Exploring the Miraculous of Dating: Connections, Nurturing, and Determining
(Cyharlesmop, 7. 5. 2024 9:22)
Dating is a junket that encompasses the magic of human bearing, slighting excrescence, and overpowering discoveries. It is a dispose of through which individuals traverse romantic possibilities, getting to be acquainted with each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to share experiences, unpleasantness ideas, and fashion meaningful connections.
In the duchy of dating, one encounters a dissimilar kind of emotions. There's the exhilaration of convocation someone trendy, the presentiment of a in the first place date, and the give someone a kick of discovering stale interests and shared values. It is a stretch of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals unreserved themselves up to the feasibility of regard and companionship.
Effective communication lies at the essence of dating, facilitating sympathy and appropriateness between two people. It involves running listening, virtuous language, and empathy, creating a gap representing real dialogue. Thoroughly communication, individuals can inquire their compatibility, the board thoughts and dreams, and develop intensify a groundwork of trust.
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Super theme! Earn every minute without limit of $100, $500, $1,000
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Australia, Canada, USA, Japan, UK, EU (all countries), Israel, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Korea, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zimbabwe.
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Надежные прокси-сервера: мой секретный инструмент в интернете!
(Chriswek, 6. 5. 2024 18:55)
Привет, друзья!
Хочу поделиться с вами отличной находкой – прокси-серверами, которые меня просто поразили своей эффективностью и надежностью!
Недавно я столкнулся с необходимостью обхода блокировок определённых сайтов, и решил попробовать использовать прокси-серверы. После долгих поисков я наткнулся на компанию, предоставляющую просто великолепные услуги в этой области.
Что меня так впечатлило? Во-первых, скорость – страницы загружаются моментально, без каких-либо задержек. Во-вторых, стабильность – не было ни одного случая пропажи соединения или перебоев в работе. И, конечно же, анонимность и безопасность – я могу быть уверенным, что мои данные защищены и мои действия в интернете остаются конфиденциальными.
Так что, если вам нужен надежный и эффективный способ обхода блокировок или обеспечения анонимности в интернете, обязательно обратитесь к этой компании – я уверен, вы останетесь довольны!
Не стесняйтесь делиться своим опытом использования прокси-серверов – ваши отзывы могут быть полезными для других участников форума!
[Ваше имя]
Super theme! Earn every minute without limit of $100, $500, $1,000
(Olpboophy, 6. 5. 2024 14:54)
Invest in your future with binary options trading on our platform. With just $10, you can take control of your financial future and start seeing returns quickly. Our platform offers real-time market analysis, a simple-to-use interface, and secure transactions. Trade from anywhere, at any time with 24/7 access. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your earning potential.
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Men Dating Men: Celebrating Love and Bearing
(Jamesplarp, 6. 5. 2024 11:52)
Men dating men sample get a bang, consistency, and the beauty of relationships in their own unexcelled way.
In a world that embraces distinctiveness and inclusivity, same-sex relationships suffer with ground their place. Men who ancient men sail the joys and challenges of structure meaningful connections based on authenticity and joint understanding. They celebrate charity while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
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Hi! Earn every minute without limit of $100, $500, $1,000
(Olpboophy, 6. 5. 2024 3:11)
Unlock unlimited earning potential with binary options trading on our platform. Start small with just $10 and see returns of up to 200%. Take control of your investments with real-time market analysis and a user-friendly interface. Your investments are secure with our advanced security measures and 24/7 access to trade from anywhere. Join the ranks of successful traders today and secure your financial future!
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Good afternoon! Earn every minute without limit of $100, $500, $1,000
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Elevate your investment game with binary options trading on our platform. Earn returns up to 200% with a low $10 deposit. Trade with ease using real-time market analysis and a user-friendly interface. Stay in control with anytime, anywhere access and top-notch security measures. Start your successful trading journey now!
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Australia, Canada, USA, Japan, UK, EU (all countries), Israel, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Korea, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zimbabwe.
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Super theme! Earn every minute without limit of $100, $500, $1,000
(Olpboophy, 5. 5. 2024 15:03)
Take control of your finances with binary options trading on our platform. Earn returns up to 200% with a minimum deposit of just $10. Simple, fast and secure trading with real-time market analysis. Trade from anywhere, at any time, with our user-friendly interface and top-notch security measures. Join the successful traders on our platform today!
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Australia, Canada, USA, Japan, UK, EU (all countries), Israel, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Korea, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zimbabwe.
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Check out! Earn every minute without limit of $100, $500, $1,000
(Olpboophy, 5. 5. 2024 11:35)
Discover the exciting world of binary options trading with our platform! Trade with ease and confidence knowing that you have the ability to earn returns of up to 200%. No prior experience required, simply follow the market and make informed decisions on whether to call or put. Start trading now with as little as $10 and see your profits grow. Join the thousands of successful traders already using our platform to secure their financial future.
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Australia, Canada, USA, Japan, UK, EU (all countries), Israel, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Korea, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zimbabwe.
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Super theme! Earn every minute without limit of 100, 200, 500 or more Dollars USA
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Men Dating Men: Celebrating Harmony and Joint
(Jamesplarp, 3. 5. 2024 22:10)
Men dating men participation love, connecting, and the beauty of relationships in their own unique way.
In a life that embraces diverseness and inclusivity, same-sex relationships have ground their place. Men who obsolete men navigate the joys and challenges of structure relevant connections based on authenticity and complementary understanding. They revel charity while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
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Check out! Earn every minute without limit of 100, 200, 500 or more Dollars USA
(OlpOffip, 3. 5. 2024 16:37)
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Boom! Earn every minute without limit of 100, 200, 500 or more Dollars USA
(OlpOffip, 3. 5. 2024 12:38)
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Check out! Earn every minute without limit of $100, $500, $1,000
(Olpboophy, 8. 5. 2024 13:01)